BrattleBOO & the Horribles Parade
Have a spooky good time this Halloween!
Annual Phil and Mary Dunham Equipment Sale is Happening Nov. 2
The Annual Phil & Mary Dunham Ski, Skate, Snowboard & Hockey Equipment Sale supports special programming.
250 Birge Floodplain Ribbon Cutting on Oct. 30
Join Vermont River Conservancy, the Town of Brattleboro and others at noon for a celebration!
Community Safety Fair & Forum is Oct. 30
Local organizations will share info with the public while providing an opportunity for continued dialogue and solution sharing.
Town Matters Episode 35
Subscribe to Town Matters wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Special Selectboard Meeting – Oct. 30, 2024
The Selectboard will hold "office hours" during the second-annual Community Safety Fair & Forum.
Helpful Info for the General Election
The General Election is happening on Nov. 5. Here's what you need to know.
Human Services Committee is Accepting Applications
The Human Services Committee is seeking applications from organizations focused on meeting concerns facing our community.
Fall Leaf Collection Schedule 2024
Leaf collection is scheduled for Oct. 25 and Nov. 1, 2024, for all residents.
Brannan, West and Strand Paving
Brannan Street, West Street, and Strand Avenue will be paved from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 21-22.
Puppy Playdate with the Animal Control Officer
Bring your furry friend to a meet-and-greet on Oct. 19 at the dog park!
Button Up! Weatherize! And Dress Your Windows!
One of the most significant ways that people can improve their comfort during the cold months is to properly dress your house for the winter.
Hinsdale Bridge and Bridge Street Reopened to Traffic
Following a temporary closure during the morning of Oct. 16, the Hinsdale Bridge and Bridge Street have reopened.
Syringe Clean-Up Event Postponed
An event hosted by CSUR (Community Substance Use Response) planned for Oct. 16 has been postponed.
Public Works Hosting Open House on Oct. 19
DPW is inviting the community to a behind-the-scenes look at their services!
Selectboard Meeting – Oct. 15, 2024
The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 6:15 p.m. in the Selectboard Meeting Room and on Zoom.
BPD Hires a Community Resource Specialist
The new role will be part of BRAT, the Brattleboro Resource Assistance Team.
Sawdust Alley Paving Begins Oct. 14
Beginning Monday, October 14, DMI Paving (a contractor of the town) will be paving Sawdust Alley (Holden Street, Baker Street and lower Birge Street.)
Town Offices Closed on Oct. 14
In observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, all Town offices will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2024, with the exception of emergency services.
Town Matters Episode 34
This podcast recaps Selectboard meetings. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple Podcasts & Spotify.
Gymnastics Session 2 Accepting Registrants
Registration for Session 2 of gymnastics classes is now available! These classes are intended for those ages 5 through 14 years old.
Youth Fencing 2024-25 Sessions
Starting this fall, Reily Mumpton will offer another Youth Fencing session for those 7 to 12 years old.
Brattleboro Thrives on Sharing and Re-Use
New Englanders have a tradition of making due by making things last, sharing amongst each other, and re-using things that would otherwise end up being thrown away.
Flu & Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic for Older Adults
The Brattleboro Senior Center will be hosting a vaccine clinic for adults age 55+ on Oct. 29.
You're Getting a Ballot! Here's How to Return It
UPDATE: Ballots are in the mail. If you do not receive your ballot by Oct. 11, contact the Town Clerk’s Office.