- 230 Main St, Suite 202
- Brattleboro, VT 05301
Full Contact Info
- [email protected]
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
History & Background
The Town of Brattleboro has long held a commitment to proper stewardship of the natural resources that make our community possible. This commitment is expressed in the work of citizen-led Town committees and commissions, including the Energy Committee, Conservation Commission, Planning Commission, Hazard Mitigation Committee, Agricultural Advisory Committee, and others.
While sustainability has always been a part of Brattleboro’s ethos and governance structure, in 2002 the Town established a volunteer Energy Coordinator position, which was filled for 12 years and achieved a great deal of energy-savings for the Town during that time. This position performed the first comprehensive energy audits of Town buildings, created a greenhouse gas inventory of the Town’s emissions, transitioned Town street lights to LED lighting, installed the first EV-charging stations at the Transportation Center, and organized an upgrade of building heating systems and controls.
In 2020, the Town hired a full-time Sustainability Coordinator position, to better align various efforts across Town Departments and in the wider community. The mission of this position is to “make Brattleboro: more liveable, for longer, for everyone”, and is not limited to only environmental concerns. This approach to sustainability is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
Additionally, specific to addressing greenhouse gas emissions, in 2020 the Town of Brattleboro adopted goals that match the state of Vermont’s emission reduction goals, and utilizes the tools and organizational framework of Project Drawdown’s 100 ranked methods to inform local action on global warming.
Farm & Food System Assessment
The Brattleboro Farm & Food System Assessment identifies barriers, gaps, and opportunities for resilience building in the local food system. Brattleboro residents Carissa Brewton and Emma Bliss, both active leaders in regional food/farm networks, produced the project. The assessment is an informational resource and a snapshot-in-time that examines the region’s food system following the disruption of the pandemic. It also documents the resiliency of that system under pressure.
Click here to read the report. Watch the presentation of their findings, which was recorded by Brattleboro Community TV.
For questions or other inquiries related to sustainability in Brattleboro, contact: Stephen Dotson, Sustainability Coordinator, [email protected], or call 802-251-8110.
News & AnnouncementsOne of the most significant ways that people can improve their comfort during the cold months is to properly dress your house for the winter.
New Englanders have a tradition of making due by making things last, sharing amongst each other, and re-using things that would otherwise end up being thrown away.
Efficiency Vermont's Focused Community Campaign brought technical assistance, focused attention, and special incentives for Brattleboro residents and businesses across two years.
Edible Brattleboro has partnered with the Town to create a public food forest on a town-owned lot in West Brattleboro.
In 2023, the Town converted six of its buildings to LED lights with help from Efficiency Vermont and the Global Warming Solutions Fund.
Currently there is more funding for installing EV-charging stations than ever before, in the form of grants both at the state and federal level, and newly expanded tax credits.