Climate-Friendly Transportation
The Town of Brattleboro encourages all visitors and residents to take advantage of climate-friendly transportation options, and to utilize the significant networks of trails and pedestrian connections across the Town. Brattleboro has been a leader in the state in adopting electric vehicle charging stations and is a great option for a quick re-charge on your way to the rest of Vermont. Additionally, our local public transportation network continues to grow, with micro-mobility options and newly redesigned bus routes, thanks to a partnership with Southeastern Vermont Transit. Amtrak also stops in Brattleboro, and has plans to build a new ADA-compliant station in the coming years. Finally, many great options for biking and hiking exist all across Town, both in the woods, along the rivers, and beyond.
To explore Brattleboro's future plans for improving Town's transportation infrastructure, check out the Walk/Bike Master Plan.
Visit the appropriate section below to learn more about each option.
The MOOver Bus is fare free! The MOOver offers fixed route bus services, demand response van service for the elderly or disabled, and brokers volunteer rides for medical appointments. These routes enable riders to reach the Veterans Affairs center in White River Junction and the Dartmouth Hitchcock medical center in Lebanon, NH or west to important services available in the Bennington region.
For more information visit: https://www.moover.com/
Daytime Service
Brattleboro Schedules:
- 4 - Red Line schedule
- 5 - Blue Line schedule
- 7 - White Line schedule
- 53 - Bellows Falls connector schedule
- 10 - Brattleboro/Wilmington schedule
Evening Service
Operating from 5 to 11:30 p.m. on weekdays (excluding holidays), the MicroMOO2 offers a transportation option for riders within the Town of Brattleboro limits. Here's an overview of this FREE service:
- Trips must be booked in advance, either call the office at (888-869-6287) Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. You cannot use this method after 5 p.m. You can also use the QRyde app 24/7. Download the app on Google Play or the Apple Store. Click here for instructions how to use the app. Click here for instructions how to use the online portal.
- The pick up and drop off location of a trip must be within the Town of Brattleboro boundaries.
- The service cannot be hailed along the street.
- The MicroMOO2 is a seven-seat, lift-equipped, all-wheel drive van painted with the iconic Holstein pattern.
This new microtransit service is designed to complement Brattleboro’s existing bus system, which ends service in the evening hours. The MicroMOO2 will be available for riders seeking a transportation option for downtown shopping, second- and third-shift employment, after-school activities, municipal meetings, or social outings.
Regional Busing
Bus Connections to Albany/Boston/New York City - Greyhound provides services for Brattleboro from 429 Canal Street at the Shell gas station. Additionally, private shuttle services to most of the region’s airports are available from Thomas Transportation and other smaller operators.
Amtrak’s Vermonter Train provides daily service between Washington, DC and St. Albans in northern Vermont. The Vermonter begins in DC and runs through New York City to Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, including Brattleboro. Accommodations and amenities vary by train.
Where’s the station? Located at 10 Vernon Road, the former Union Station was originally built into a bluff along the Connecticut River in Brattleboro. The train station waiting room now occupies the ground floor, while the upper levels have been converted for use by the Brattleboro Museum & Arts Center. It provides an enclosed waiting area (without Wi-Fi).
For Brattleboro Amtrak Station hours, click here.
Current schedule for the Vermonter can be found at Amtrak’s website.
GO! VERMONT is for travelers who seek to reduce the cost and environmental impact of driving. Free carpool and vanpool matching services, and statewide bus routes. Call 1-800-685-7433 or visit GO! VERMONT's website.
Charging Electric Vehicles
The Town of Brattleboro provides electric vehicle charging stations at the High Grove Parking Lot and the Transportation Center at 77 Flat Street. For a comprehensive map of charging stations in the Brattleboro area, visit the Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuel Station Locator.
For general information on parking in Brattleboro visit our parking page.
Biking and E-Bikes
Brooks Memorial Library offers an e-bike lending library during Spring and Summer months. Visit their website to learn more about availability.
The Southeastern Vermont Bicycle Map is a project of the Windham Regional Commission. This map series provides information about roads in the Windham Region, including traffic volumes, shoulder suitability, steep grades, bike shops, cycling opportunities, and cycling hazards. The maps should help cyclists understand the types of conditions they may encounter on these roads and choose appropriate cycling routes through the region. While primarily for "road" cyclists who do most of their riding on paved roads, all roads are shown on the map, and those unpaved roads that may be of interest to road cyclists are highlighted.
Trail Systems and Connections
Explore the natural beauty of Brattleboro, Vermont!
The Brattleboro Area Trails Map and Guide can help you plan your hikes and enjoy the beauty of our area. This links to a comprehensive set of maps that cover multiple trails systems in Brattleboro. More specific trail information is listed below.
Friends of the West River Trail - lower section - A 3.5 mile multi-use, unpaved, improved surface pathway on an old railroad grade paralleling the West River. Great for a short stroll, longer walk, or bike ride (hybrid bikes/wider tires recommended). The trail is flat and includes a balcony and bench under the new Interstate 91 bridge. Trailhead off Putney Road on Spring Tree Road behind the Marina Restaurant.
Retreat Farm - A system of over 11 miles of trails at the edge of town, many are broad walking paths. Both short walks and long hikes are possible. Mountain biking is allowed. Maps are also available to download or pick-up at any of the five trailheads at the Retreat Farm, Solar Hill, on Cedar Street, or Upper Dummerston Road.
Living Memorial Park - Living Memorial Park is a four-season destination for outdoors enthusiasts and has been serving Windham County since 1955.
Wantastiquet & Fort Hill Trail - Wantastiquet Mountain – Just across the river in Hinsdale, NH. A rocky carriage road leads one mile to the summit, and a bikable access road follows the Connecticut River North. A mile east of the Wantastiquet trailhead on Route 118, the Fort Hill Rail Trail begins and provides access to an extensive New Hampshire rail trail network.
Winston Prouty/Delta - The campus is open to the public from dusk until dawn. A system of trails is available for the community to enjoy. Dogs must be kept on a leash.
Hillwinds Trails – a multi-use trail system off Upper Dummerston Road in the northwest part of town.
Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center – Two miles of trails with interpretive guides.
Fort Dummer State Park – Walk the trails and the campground roads (fee May-October).