Licenses and Permits
Business/Entertainment Licenses
Dog Licensing
Liquor & Tobacco Licensing
For further assistance, contact the Town Clerk's Office, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., with the exception of every election day and the following day.
Dog Licensing
IMPORTANT UPDATE — JAN. 30, 2025: Due to a technical error, online dog license renewals will be unavailable at this time. The Town Clerk's Office has alerted the online portal company, and this page will be updated when the issue has been corrected. In the interim, the public can still renew a dog license in person at the Town Clerk's Office or through the mail. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dog License Renewal Instructions
Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are available. Vermont dogs and wolf-hybrids 6 months of age and older must be licensed on or before April 1.
Renewal licenses may be obtained in person at the Town Clerk’s office, by using the drop box in the Municipal Center parking lot, through the mail, or online. Dogs being licensed in Brattleboro for the first time will need a current rabies certificate and application form, which is available online or at the Town Clerk’s office.
The Town Clerk's Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the exception of every election day and the following day.
If an animal has been spayed or neutered, documentation from a veterinarian must be presented to receive the reduced fee – this information may be on the rabies certificate. A current rabies certificate issued and signed by a veterinarian must be filed with the Town Clerk.
Vaccination against rabies is required by Vermont Statutes before licensing.
Learn more about dog licensing in the Town of Brattleboro by viewing our FAQs for dog owners.
A current vaccination means:
- All dogs and wolf-hybrids over three months of age shall be vaccinated against rabies. The initial vaccination shall be valid for 12 months. Within 9 to 12 months of the initial vaccination, the animal must receive a booster vaccination.
- All subsequent vaccinations following the initial vaccination shall be valid for 36 months.
Effective January 1, 2025, the State increased dog licensing fees by $2 per dog. That money will go directly to the State to fund an animal welfare program.
Specially trained assistance dogs may be eligible for a reduced licensing fee. Reach out to the Town Clerk’s office for more information on this.
Dogs and wolf-hybrids licensed after April 1 will be charged a penalty. In addition, any person failing to license a dog or wolf-hybrid may be fined up to $100 and the dog or wolf-hybrid may be impounded. If an animal licensed last year has died or been given away, please contact the Town Clerk's office at 802-251-8157.
Dog Licensing FAQs
If I lose my dog tag, can I replace it?
Yes. Owners can obtain a replacement tag from the Town Clerk's office for a $2 fee.
Can my vet directly send proof of Rabies vaccination?
Yes. Veterinarians and clinics can fax or email proof of rabies vaccination to the Town Clerk's office directly via email [email protected] or fax at 802-257-2312.
Must my dog be neutered or spayed?
No. Unneutered or "intact" dogs can be licensed for a higher fee than neutered and spayed dogs.
Does the Town Clerk's office keep a record of my dog's license and rabies vaccines?
Yes, the annual license and rabies certificate are kept for 3 years.