Boards & Committees
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RTM Committees
Serving the Community
RTM Steering Committee
Committee Objectives
The Representative Town Meeting Steering Committee was proposed and adopted by majority vote during the 2021 Annual Representative Town Meeting, which was held on March 20-21.
The 2021 RTM meeting minutes for the proposal states on page 15:
"...moved to create an ad hoc RTM Steering Committee to review the rules, procedures and structure of Representative Town Meeting for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the body. The committee shall automatically dissolve in three years unless action is taken for its continuation or other status. The committee will distribute electronically a summary of its work every four months to the membership of the body. Interested members shall submit their names who shall convene the first meeting within 30 days of this meeting. Additional members may be appointed by the newly elected Chair following each annual RTM or other times as necessary.
The motion was seconded. It was clarified that the “elected” members should not constitute ex-officio RTM members, and this is not envisioned as a time when issues will be discussed or vetted, but rather as a time to talk about procedure and how we can all do this job better. The Moderator confirmed that he would be able to convene the first meeting. On a Division Zoom poll vote, the motion passed with 73 in favor and 15 opposed.
During 2021 this committee completed a survey with members and other attendees who have participated in our annual town meeting, in order to understand what people like and want to preserve, or would like to see changed about our town meetings. There were 108 responses to the survey, which you may read in two formats:
- The full set of survey responses, Responses are anonymous (do not include respondent names).
- A shorter summary of the full set of survey responses.
- Contact Millicent Cooley for questions about the survey.
Attached is this committee's Year-end-report, which lists accomplishments (work items completed) and which was promised to RTM in the initial proposal at the 2021.
Meetings occur once per month on the third Monday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.
Members (12)
- Millicent Cooley (Chair)
- Gary Stroud (Vice Chair)
- Sonia Silbert (Clerk)
Members (alphabetically by first name)
- Andy Davis
- Craig Miskovich
- David Miner
- Howard Burroughs
- John Kennedy
- Rick Morton
- Rikki Risatti
- Spoon Agave, 145 Green St. Brattleboro
- Tom Mosakowski