Boards & Committees
- About Boards & Committees
- ADA Advisory Committee
- Agricultural Advisory Committee
- Arts Committee
- Board of Civil Authority
- Brattleboro Housing Partnerships
- Brooks Memorial Library Board of Trustees
- Cemetery Committee
- Charter Revision Commission
- Citizen Police Communications Committee
- Community Safety Review Committee
- Conservation Commission
- Design Review Committee
- Development Review Board
- Energy Committee
- Fence Viewer
- Hazard Mitigation Committee
- Honor Roll Committee
- Inspector of Lumber, Shingles and Wood
- Nelson E. Withington Fund Advisory Committee
- Planning Commission
- Recreation & Parks Board
- Rental Housing Improvement Program Loan Committee
- Senior Solutions
- Small Business Assistance Program Loan Committee
- Traffic Safety and Control Committee
- Tree Advisory Board
- Trustees of Public Funds
- Windham Regional Planning and Development Commission
RTM Committees
Serving the Community
Compassionate Community
WHEREAS, an international Charter for Compassion was created in 2009; and
WHEREAS, among other things, the Charter for Compassion affirms the “inviolable sanctity of every single human being,” calls upon all people to treat each other “with absolute justice, equity, and respect,” and states that “we urgently need to make compassion a clear, luminous, and dynamic force in our polarized world;” and
WHEREAS, the Brattleboro Area Interfaith Initiative is organizing local action that is consistent with the Charter for Compassion and has urged the Town government to join in these efforts; and
WHEREAS, on March 7, 2017, Brattleboro voters overwhelmingly approved (83% in favor) the following Town Meeting article: “Shall the Town of Brattleboro vote to advise the Selectboard to become a Compassionate City as articulated in the Charter for Compassion?”; and
WHEREAS, the Brattleboro Selectboard desires to join the local compassion movement;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Brattleboro Selectboard hereby resolves and proclaims that the Town of Brattleboro is committed to the principles expressed in the Charter for Compassion, supports the collaboration of local individuals and organizations to promote those principles through a variety of public and private actions in our community, will remain mindful of the impacts of our actions not only in Brattleboro but upon people and places beyond our borders, and invites all people to observe and participate in Town government and to hold Town government officials accountable for conducting our local public business in a manner that is consistent with this resolution.
Dated this 2nd day of May, 2017.
For more Information, visit Charter for Compassion.