Boards & Committees
- About Boards & Committees
- ADA Advisory Committee
- Agricultural Advisory Committee
- Arts Committee
- Board of Civil Authority
- Brattleboro Housing Partnerships
- Brooks Memorial Library Board of Trustees
- Cemetery Committee
- Charter Revision Commission
- Citizen Police Communications Committee
- Community Safety Review Committee
- Conservation Commission
- Design Review Committee
- Development Review Board
- Energy Committee
- Fence Viewer
- Hazard Mitigation Committee
- Honor Roll Committee
- Inspector of Lumber, Shingles and Wood
- Nelson E. Withington Fund Advisory Committee
- Planning Commission
- Recreation & Parks Board
- Rental Housing Improvement Program Loan Committee
- Senior Solutions
- Small Business Assistance Program Loan Committee
- Traffic Safety and Control Committee
- Tree Advisory Board
- Trustees of Public Funds
- Windham Regional Planning and Development Commission
RTM Committees
Serving the Community
Development Review Board
The Board reviews site plans, conditional uses, planned developments, subdivision applications, and other aspects of land development as set forth in the town zoning and subdivision ordinances. It also considers appeals of decisions of the zoning administrator. The board is empowered to grant variances from zoning and subdivision requirements in certain circumstances.
The Board is composed of seven members appointed by the Selectboard to three-year terms, and up to three alternate members appointed by the Selectboard to one-year terms. Alternatives can be appointed to hear an application if other Board members are absent or have a conflict of interest. Meetings are held at 230 Main Street in the Selectboard Meeting Room (and via Zoom) on the third Wednesday of the month.
Click here to watch BCTV coverage of the meetings.
Rules and Procedures
Currently Serving
Tom Mosakowski
Term ending 6/27
Allison Gauthier
Term ending 6/27
Kathryn Turnas
Term ending 6/26
Tim Wessel
Term ending 6/26
Michael Averill
Term ending 6/25
Nora Dissinger
Term ending 6/25
Jordan Lafland
Term ending 6/26
Keith Maxwell
Term ending 6/25
Vacancy (1-year term)
Term ending 6/25
Vacancy (1-year term)
Term ending 6/25
Brian Bannon - Clerk/Zoning Administrator, 802-251-8111, [email protected]