Licenses and Permits
Business/Entertainment Licenses
Dog Licensing
Liquor & Tobacco Licensing
Business License FAQs
Do I need to obtain a business license for my business?
Yes, if you provide goods and services from a location in Brattleboro, including your home, you must obtain a Business License.
If my business is a non-profit business, do I need a Business License?
Yes, if you meet the criteria in the answer to Question 1.
How do I apply and pay for a Business License?
The fee for the Business license is $50. More information can be found on the Business License Application page.
How will I receive the Business License?
You will receive the license at the e-mail address you provide in the application or by mail. Please print the license and display it at your place of business. If you fill out the online form ahead of time and pay in the office, you will be provided with the license at that time.
If I do not have a computer, e-mail address or no access to the internet, how can I fill out the form online?
There are public computers at the Library and at a kiosk in the Municipal Building, just outside the Finance/Treasury office. If you need help, we have paper copies in the office or can fill out the form with you in the Assessor’s Office.
If I discover that I have made an error in my Business License application, what should I do?
If you have submitted the application and notice an error, contact the Assessor’s Office at 802-251-8156. If you are still in the process of filling out the application, revise the form and submit the application. If a problem becomes apparent, call the Assessor’s Office. Do not submit duplicate applications.
What is the deadline to apply for a Business License?
The deadline to renew a license is March 15. Applications received after March 15 will be charged an additional $25 late fee.
What is Business Personal Property? How do I declare my Business Personal Property on the Business License application?
Business Personal Property (BPP) is an inventory of the equipment, machinery, store fixtures, computers, office furniture, etc. and all other items needed to operate your business, excluding registered motor vehicles. If your business has more than $5,000 worth of BPP, you will be required to fill out a Business Property form in March each year. If your business has less than $5000 worth of BPP, you will only be required to fill out a Business Property form every 5th year. In Section 5 of the Business License application, you will be asked to declare whether you have more or less than $5,000 worth of BPP, (unless your business is a 501c3 corporation). This information is employed to refine the mailing lists used for BPP.
If I have other questions about the Business License process, who do I call?
You may call the Assessor’s Office at 802-251-8156.