Licenses and Permits
Business/Entertainment Licenses
Dog Licensing
Liquor & Tobacco Licensing
Online Dog License Renewal
It is possible to renew a dog license online, paying by credit card. There is a processing fee for this service (it will be more if you are licensing multiple dogs). The processing fee will be clearly indicated before the payment process is complete.
To renew online, go the the online payment center. Select Local Payments. Enter Vermont in the State or Territory field and Brattleboro for the Payment Entity then select Town Clerk Fees as the Payment Type. Enter the information required (put the dog's name(s) in the Payor name field) and the total amount due. Payments received for dogs without current rabies information or with the incorrect fee will not be considered licensed until all missing information or payment is received.
When you renew online, the owner listed on the renewal information will be considered the legal owner of the dog and renewal of the license as acceptance of legal responsibility for the dog licensed. The license will not be in effect until you receive the tag and signed paper license from the Town Clerk.