Generational Improvements
Pool Project
Fuller Park
Other Town Projects
Recreation & Parks
Pool Project Timeline
Pool Feasibility Study Milestone | Date |
On-site “Pool Your Ideas” In-House Community Engagement Day, a collaborative effort with the Planning Department |
July 31, 2023 |
On-site visit with the Team from NCA followed by an evening community engagement session. Twenty people attended. |
November 2, 2023 |
Launched a two-week online survey to gather additional input. Over 160 individuals participated in the survey. |
November 2023 |
Conceptual drawings to share with the Selectboard and community (watch the Selectboard presentation here) |
March 2024 |
Updated conceptual designs | June 2024 |
Additional in-person community engagement session | June 25, 2024 |
An online survey based on the latest conceptual designs was distributed. To view how these proposed designs could impact property taxes, view the Preliminary Estimated Tax Impact Table. | July 26, 2024 |
The consultants presented an update on the project to the Selectboard. Read the memo. | October 1, 2024 |
Finalize study | TBD |
The pool at Living Memorial Park was built in 1950 and later renovated in the '80s. In 2023 a third-party aquatic planning and design firm, Counsilman-Hunsaker, published an analysis of the pool's current conditions, which you can read here. As the report notes, there are "several physical issues" with the pool, which led the consultant team to conclude that "a complete replacement of the swimming pool should occur."
March 2023
During Representative Town Meeting in March 2023, the voters voted to authorize $50,000 to be used to carry out a feasibility study of the Pool Facility at Living Memorial Park.
June 2023
In June, 2023 the Brattleboro Recreation & Parks Department distributed a request for proposal (RFP) from qualified firms for Architectural/Engineering Services to provide a feasibility study for construction of a new aquatics facility and pool at Living Memorial Park.
In the RFP, the department requested the following:
- Architectural/engineering services for Living Memorial Park new aquatics facility and pool
- Architectural/engineering services to include conceptual plans
- Cost estimates based on conceptual plans
- Community meeting to gather input regarding concept ideas
- Community meeting to present concepts to the public for review and comment
August 2023
During the August Selectboard meeting, Recreation & Parks Director Carol Lalotte reviewed the following six bids with the Selectboard:
- Banwell - $36,644
- Clough, Harbour & Associates, LLP - $55,900
- Freeman, French & Freeman - $114,660
- NCA - $59,500
- S3Design - $73,965
- Weston & Sampson Engineers - $68,550
There is $50,000 in the 2023/2024 Capital Budget for this project. After reviewing all proposals with Building Consultant Steve Horton and Park Supervisor Paul Ethier, Rec & Parks Director Carol Lalotte recommended to the Selectboard that the contract be awarded to NCA (Northeast Collaborative Architects) for $59,500.
The Rec & Parks Department recognized that the recommendation was over budget but strongly felt that NCA was the best match for the Town of Brattleboro and for the project in general. Using a hypothetical construction cost of $5,000,000 to ascertain the end game total fees, NCA comes out the lowest, making NCA's proposal the best selection. After awarding the contract to NCA for $59,500, the department was able to communicate with them and negotiate the contract to meet the budgeted amount versus going over budget.
March 2024
The consultants presented conceptual drawings to the Selectboard on March 21, 2024. Watch that presentation here. The PowerPoint presentation is here.
June 2024
An in-person public input session was held at the pool on June 25, 2024. Another public survey was administered shortly thereafter. To view how these proposed designs could impact property taxes, view the Preliminary Estimated Tax Impact Table.
Pool Feasibility Study Milestones
- July 31, 2023: On-site “Pool Your Ideas” In-House Community Engagement Day, a collaborative effort with the Planning Department.
- November 2, 2023: On-site visit with the Team from NCA followed by an evening community engagement session. Twenty people attended.
- November 2023: Launched a two-week online survey to gather additional input. Over 160 individuals participated in the survey.
Looking to the Future
- The feasibility study of the Pool Facility at Living Memorial Park will be finalized by the consultants.