Parking Citation Appeal Process
The Town of Brattleboro has developed an administrative appeal process for individuals who believe their parking citation was issued in error. Vermont State Law in Title 4, Section 1102(c) specifically excludes municipal parking tickets from judicial bureau review. The process includes two levels of appeal.
Step 1: Appeal to the Parking Enforcement Coordinator
A person who believes that they have been issued a parking citation in error may appeal the citation to the Parking Enforcement Coordinator within 14 days. Appeals submitted after 14 days will not be heard. The date of the issued citation is considered Day 1. Requests for appeal may be delivered to the window at the Parking Enforcement Office at 77 Flat Street during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, or may be mailed to Brattleboro Parking Enforcement, 77 Flat Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301.
Requests for appeal must be submitted in writing, and must include your name, contact information, the citation #, and the specific reason why you believe that the citation was issued in error. Lack of knowledge of parking regulations in Brattleboro is not grounds to excuse a violation. During a Step 1 appeal, your citation will be placed “on hold” while an internal review is conducted. You will be notified in writing of the outcome of this appeal. If you are denied, you will then have 14 days to remit and clear the citation. The date of the Parking Enforcement Coordinator’s written decision will be considered Day 1.
Step 2: Appeal for a Hearing to the Town Manager, or designee
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of Step 1, you may submit a written request for a hearing with the Brattleboro Town Manager or designee. Your request must include proof of payment in full for the citation, and must be received by the Town at Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office, 230 Main Street, Suite 208, Brattleboro, VT 05301 within 14 days of the Step 1 decision.
A hearing will be scheduled within 14 days of the receipt of your letter. The determination of the Brattleboro Town Manager, or his designee, is final. If the citation is overturned, repayment will be made to you by check through the Finance Department.