Utilities Division
The Utilities Division is responsible for the repair and maintenance of both the water delivery system, and the sanitary sewer collection system. They also maintain fire hydrants and water meters for the Town along with reading the water meters four times per year.
Meter Call Back Program
Brattleboro has a meter call back program where customers are contacted by our meter personnel (usually it is Ray Penson) when a quarterly reading exceeds the average by 1/3 or more. In many cases, the increase is caused by additional or different people at the residents, but in a number of instances, we are able to identify leaks. The typical leak is in a toilet that does not shut off and can cost the customer a lot of money.
If you are contacted by the water department and can think of no reason why your water usage is high, we will check your house for leaks, or provide dye tablets and instruct the owner on checking for leaks. Once a leak is found it is up to the owner or their plumber to repair the problem.
We are working to test, rebuild, and/or replace all meters in Town. You can expect to receive a notice at some point in the next few years, asking for an appointment for this work.
Utility Lines
Water and Sewer customers in Brattleboro own their service lines from the Town Main in the street to their home or business. Customers are responsible for any repair needed.
If you experience a sewer backup or disruption in your water service, do not hesitate to call us at 802-254-4255. In the case of a sewer back up we will first check the Town Main for problems, which could save you an expensive visit from a plumber.
Water and Sewer Billing
On your bill you will see a base charge for water and a base charge for sewer. The amount of these charges are based on the size of meter in your home or business. The vast majority of homes and small businesses have a 5/8” meter. This charge is part of your bill no matter how much or little water is used.
The other part of the bill is a usage charge for water and for sewer based on the number of units used. A unit is 100 cubic feet of water or 748 gallons. So if you bill shows a usage of 12 units, that would be 1200 cubic feet or about 8,976 gallons for the 3 month billing period.
Rates will be increasing each year as approved by the Selectboard earlier in 2009.
All billing in Brattleboro for both Property Taxes and Water/Sewer charges are handled by the Treasures office located in the Municipal Center at 230 Main Street. To pay a bill or make an account change, please contact their office.
The Water System
Brattleboro's water system includes approximately 59 miles of underground water pipe, 391 public fire hydrants and 167 privately own hydrants. Our water system is divided into 3 pressure zones. A high pressure zone in West Brattleboro, a reduced zone approximately east of I-91 and a small zone in South Brattleboro for the John Seitz Drive area. The State’s Welcome Center in Guilford is supplied off this zone.
Brattleboro maintains four booster pump stations supplying developments at high areas of town and the new Commonwealth yogurt plant. These pump stations are maintained by the Water Supply people.
The Sanitary Sewer collection system has approximately the same linear footage of pipe as the water system. There are over 1500 manholes for access to this piping. The majority of this system flows by gravity to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Five pump stations are used at various locations in the system. Brattleboro also maintains a pump station in Guilford, serving The Welcome Center on I-91 and the Algiers Sewer District. This is under contract with the State of Vermont.