Registration Open for Fall Sports 2024
The Rec & Parks Department is kicking off the fall sports season! Registration is now open for several programs, which you can read about below. Have questions? Call 802-254-5808.
There is a $10 fee for late registration beginning Friday, August 30 at 9 a.m. Anyone registering on or after Sept. 6 must visit the Gibson-Aiken Center Main Office in person to be added to a waitlist and will be permitted to register for the program only if space allows.
Pre-Kindergarten Soccer
For those age 4-5 (must be 4 by Sept. 1, 2024).
- Fee: $25 for Brattleboro residents, and $40 for non-residents
- Dates: Wednesdays from Sept. 11 through Oct. 9
- Time: 5 to 5:45 p.m.
- Where: Living Memorial Park Upper Field
- Notes: Limited to 15 participants. Shin guards are required for all practices. Don't forget a bottle of water!
Kindergarten Soccer
Kindergarten soccer is run as an introduction to soccer and focuses on skill development.
- Fee: $25 for Brattleboro residents, and $40 for non-residents
- Dates: Mondays from Sept. 9 through Oct. 7
- Time: 4 to 4:45 p.m. or 5 to 5:45 p.m.
- Where: Living Memorial Park Upper Field
- Notes: There is a limit of 15 kids per group. Shin guards are required for all practices.
Youth Soccer
Practice days and times are to be determined. Grades 1 through 4 will have one weekday practice and one Saturday morning game. Grades 5 and 6 will have one or two weekday practices and a weekday or weekend game. Grades 5 and 6 will participate in the Tri-County League and travel to neighboring towns.
- Fee: $35 for Brattleboro residents, and $50 for non-residents
- Dates: Practices will begin the week of Sept. 9. Games begin the week of Sept. 21 for grades 1 through 4. Grades 5 and 6 will start the week of Sept. 4.
- Where: West River Park or Living Memorial Park
- Notes: Shin guards are required for all practices. Don't forget a bottle of water!
Flag Football
For those in grades 1-3 and grades 4-6. This program is run by BUHS Varsity Football coaches and players. No experience necessary to play.
- Fee: $50 for Brattleboro residents, and $65 for non-residents. (Flags/belts and jerseys are included in the fee.)
- Dates: Sept. 8 through Oct. 6 (five weeks and Sundays only)
- Time: 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.
- Where: Fort Dummer Field
- Notes: Minimum of 10 participants per group. Must dress for the weather, have a mouth guard, water bottle, and cleats or sneakers.
Youth Field Hockey
For those in grades 2-6 (minimum 10 required). No experience is necessary and some equipment is available on a first come first served basis. Mouth guards and shin guards are required.
- Fee: $35 for Brattleboro residents, and $50 for non-residents
- Dates: Mondays and Thursdays, Sept. 9 through Oct. 17
- Time: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
- Where: BUHS Sawyer Field
- Notes: Games may be played against other towns if there are enough participants. Games may be on Saturdays.
This session is for intermediate players only. Intermediate players must know basic checkmates and at least a few tactics and strategies. Space is limited!
- Fee: $55 for Brattleboro residents, and $70 for non-residents
- Dates: Sept. 13 through Nov. 1
- Time: Fridays, 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.
- Where: Gibson-Aiken Senior Center (lowest level of the building)
- Instructor: Eric Strickland
Each class requires a minimum of 4 kids to run. There are 14 sections. Check online for times and details.
- Fee: $100 for Brattleboro residents, and $115 for non-Brattleboro residents
- Ages: 18 months old through 14 years old. (Parent Tot Classes 18 months through 3 1/2 years old)
- Dates: Sept. 3 through Oct. 28
- Where: Gibson-Aiken Center Gymnastic Room
- Notes: Wear tight fitting clothes and bring a water bottle. With Director Amanda Montgomery and Team Coach & Instructors Amanda Montgomery and Karen Gallivan.
Skating FUNdamentals
This program is also accepting registrations. Click here for details.