Flood Hazard Information
Below we've listed some helpful links for information about flooding— flood insurance, how to take precautions in building, and steps to take if you've had flooding in your home.
Brattleboro participates in the Community Rating System of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which lowers rates for residents in participating towns. In order to comply with the requirements of the NFIP, Permits are required for building, expanding, or even repairing homes that are in the designated flood areas. There are no fees for permits to repair a structure. Please refer to the Building and Zoning page for more information.
Flood damage isn't covered by regular home owner's or renter's insurance; you can learn more about flood insurance at FloodSmart.gov. If you have an elevation certificate prepared for your home or business, please email a copy to the Brattleboro Planning Department. The Department makes the certificates available to title searchers and insurance agents. Keeping certificates on file helps make Brattleboro property owners eligible for discounts on flood insurance.
If you are uncertain if you are in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), you can call 802-251-8111 for a determination, or refer to Brattleboro's Mapsonline Flood Hazard Page. Use the find tab on the left of the screen to search by address or property owner name. The site shows Flood Insurance Rate Map panels (FIRMS), the SFHA where there is a high risk of inundation flooding, the Fluvial Erosion Hazard Area where erosion will cause stream migration during floods, and repetitive loss areas, were there's a history of repeated flood damage. Use the layer tab to turn on layers with elevation certificates, letters of map amendments, and issued permits.
Hazard Mitigation Grants can help pay for flood proofing your home or business. Flood proofing can involve elevating a structure, filling basements below flood level, moving boilers, electric panels and other machinery and utilities above grade, installing flood vents in crawl spaces or installing flood shields at doors and windows below flood level. Mitigation grants are available if a project has a positive benefit cost ratio, so it's important to report flood damage and the costs of repair to the Planning Department. The Department issues flood repair permits; there is no charge. You can receive repair permits retroactively, even for damage from Tropical Storm Irene. Call 802-251-8111 or email [email protected] for more information.
Due to Tropical Storm Irene at the end of August, 2011, there is heightened awareness of the devastating effects of flooding. A website established after TS Irene with helpful information continues to be updated.