Reminder: Clear Overgrowth from Right of Way
Please be advised: Property owners are responsible for trimming and maintaining vegetation on their property if it may interfere with the public right of way.
Overgrown vegetation creates an unsafe situation for pedestrians who may have to walk in the roadway to get by. It also impacts the sight distance for vehicular traffic. Please inspect and trim your vegetation accordingly.
The town ordinance reads as follows:
Chapter 14, Streets and Sidewalks, Article 1,
Sec 14-1 (a). which states “No person shall allow limbs of trees, shrubbery, fence posts, gates or other material to obstruct the sidewalks so as to interfere with their free use by pedestrians.”
Sec. 14-1(b). Obstruction of Vision. No wall, fence or other structure shall be erected or maintained, and no hedge, tree or other obstruction shall be maintained that does, will or may cause danger by obstructing the view of traffic, vehicular or pedestrian, on a public sidewalk or street.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact the Department of Public Works at 802-254-4255.