Take the ARPA Survey
The Town of Brattleboro has $1.3 million in funding available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). We have compiled a list of 36 potential projects that could benefit from this funding. The ideas on the list were developed by Town staff or generated by the public during the first ARPA survey, which was distributed earlier this fall.
We would like you to select your top five projects from the list provided. You will then be asked to rank your top five projects in order of importance. Keep in mind that some projects may not have an estimated cost at this time. Please do not discount a project's value simply because its estimated cost is unknown.
The results of this survey will help inform the Selectboard of the community's priorities. For more information about the FY25 Budget, click here.
Please complete the survey by December 13. The results of this survey are scheduled to be discussed during the Selectboard meeting on December 19.