Update Your Voter Info Ahead of the General Election
The Secretary of State’s office will be mailing the November 5 General Election ballot to all active registered voters by late September. They will be pulling that list from the election database on or around September 3.
We’re asking all voters to log into your My Voter Page at mvp.vermont.gov to be sure that your voter status is active, and that your mailing address is correct.
If you will be out of town during that time period, you can request a ballot to be mailed to you at the address where you will be.
If you do not receive your ballot by October 7, please reach out to the Town Clerk’s office.
The election will be held on November 5, 2024, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the American Legion, which is located at 32 Linden St. in Brattleboro.
For more information about elections, visit our Voting FAQs section or contact the Town Clerk's Office at 802-251-8157 or [email protected].