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September 16, 2024 Town of Brattleboro 1 Min Read

Project C.A.R.E. Launches "Recovery Spotlight" Series

Beginning in September 2024, the Brattleboro Police Department is launching "Recovery Spotlight." The BPD, in collaboration with our Project C.A.R.E. partners, will periodically recognize someone in the community who has achieved active recovery from substance use.

This month we recognize Emery Wainwright of Brattleboro. Emery formerly suffered from substance use disorder and served time in jail. While incarcerated, Emery decided he needed to make a change in his life, and has been substance free for approximately six years. Emery’s turning point was that he knew he needed to be there for his kids, and he realized that his family was the most important thing to him. 

Emery currently works at Market-32 and lives with his partner and five children. He wants everyone to know that his path has not been easy, however recovery and success is possible with perseverance and dedication. 

Emery was awarded a certificate of appreciation by Lieutenant Petlock and Chief Hardy of the BPD. He also received a gift certificate to the Marina Restaurant thanks to Peter Case and Great Eastern Radio (WEEI). 

Project C.A.R.E. is a community partnership aimed at reducing the impact opioid use is having on our community. The mission is to help people living with addiction, to achieve and maintain recovery.