Helpful Info for the March 4th Elections
Below is some helpful information for the March 4th Town Meeting and WSESD School Board Director elections.
Absentee Ballots
Absentee ballots for these elections were mailed by request. Please make sure to follow the instructions provided with your ballot, including:
• Signing the certificate envelope and ensuring your ballot/s are inside the certificate envelope.
• Using a black pen to mark your ballot.
• Do NOT use a marker as it can bleed through to the back of your ballot, requiring a replacement ballot.
• WSESD you may vote in all town’s races for School Board.
• Only vote for the number of seats available. Voting for more than the number indicated in that race will result in an overvote, and that vote will not be counted.
If you have requested your ballot but not yet received it, or if you have any questions about the voting process, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-251-8157. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Returning Your Absentee Ballot: Ballots can be returned using the mailing envelope provided or by using the secure drop box marked “BALLOTS HERE” in the Municipal Center parking lot. The drop box is checked numerous times per day and is covered by video surveillance. You may also return your ballot at the American Legion on Election Day.
If you were mailed a ballot but choose to vote early and in-person at the Town Clerk’s office, or at the polling place on March 4, bring the mailed ballot with you. You will not be turned away without it, but it will save time.
Election Day
The polling place for all three districts in Brattleboro is the American Legion, 32 Linden Street. Polls will be open on March 4 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Parking will be available at the American Legion and the Municipal Center parking lots. There are accessible parking spaces close to the American Legion entrance. There is a wheelchair immediately inside the door with a ramp for anyone that may need it.
Candidate and ballot question information will not be available at the polls. Please be sure to do research prior to coming to the polls. Election workers cannot answer any questions other than procedural clarifications.
Election information, including sample ballots, is posted at Brattleboro.gov/Elections.
Unofficial election results will be posted online as soon as possible after the polls close that evening.
The Town Clerk’s Office will be closed Tuesday, March 4, Election Day. The office will also be closed to the public on Wednesday, March 5.
Voter Registration
Vermont has same-day voter registration. However, to save time on Election Day, it is advisable to register in advance of the vote by visiting the state's Online Voter Registration System. You can also update your voter information or request a ballot on the My Voter Page.
Other Helpful Info
For more voting information, visit our Voting Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office at 802-251-8157 or [email protected].