Become a Representative Town Meeting Member
Have a say in local government! There are currently openings for Representative Town Meeting Members in all three districts in Brattleboro.
To become a Town Meeting member, you will need to:
1. Declare that you intend to run as a write-in candidate with the Town Clerk’s Office. Call 802-251-8157, send an email at [email protected], or let them know in-person. Do this sooner than later, but the absolute deadline to declare is at the end of Election Day (March 5 by 7pm).
2. Receive at least 10 votes at the polls on Election Day.
Alternately, you can seek a one-year appointment during the District Caucuses, which are happening on March 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Academy School Gym. (Doors open at 6 p.m.)
Any citizen of Brattleboro who is a registered voter may run for Town Meeting Member. There is no party affiliation to this office, and diversity of representation is important for our community.
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